Ahmet R. Karaca, MD

Ahmet R. Karaca, MD

Neck Lift

Even when your face retains its youthfulness, your neck may reveal advanced signs of aging. One characteristic that many adults are bothered by is the dreaded “turkey neck” effect that develops as we age. Neck lifts are a surgical procedure for both men and women who want to restore a firm, smooth neckline that can help them look years younger.

What is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a plastic surgery procedure that eliminates sagging, fatty deposits that create the appearance of “jowls” along the jawline, the “double chin” effect under the chin and the “turkey wattle” or “turkey neck” appearance along the front of the neck.

Benefits of a Neck Lift

Some people have retained youthfulness in the facial region but are showing advanced signs of aging in the neckline. For these patients, a neck lift may be the most suitable procedure since it is less invasive than the facelift but nonetheless results in a firm, rejuvenated neck and jawline that takes years off your appearance. The neck lift eliminates a double chin, sagging jowls and “turkey neck”, as well as muscle banding in the neck area. It also restores a firm, smooth profile.

Am I a Candidate for a Neck Lift?

You may be a good candidate for a neck lift with Dr. Karaca if you are an adult in generally good health who wants to rejuvenate your appearance by lifting and eliminating sagging skin from your jawline, chin, and neck.

The Neck Lift Procedure

Although the neck lift is similar to a facelift, it is less complicated. The procedure involves small incisions that allow Dr. Karaca to evaluate the underlying neck muscles. Through these incisions, he will tighten the muscle, eliminating the banding effect, and extract pockets of fatty deposits using liposuction, creating a tight, smooth contour. Finally, he will suture the incisions and apply a surgical dressing and compression band.

Neck Lift Recovery

Dr. Karaca will place supportive bandages around your neck to assist the healing process and to support your neck muscles immediately after your surgery. This will help keep you as comfortable as possible during the first few days of your recovery. We recommend that you keep your head elevated, even while sleeping, and move your neck as little as possible for the first two weeks following surgery. Stitches are typically removed within a week, and after about two weeks, most of the soreness should be resolved, and the results of your surgery will become more clearly visible.

Dr. Karaca recommends that you plan to refrain from strenuous physical activity and take time off from work for about two to three weeks following your neck lift surgery. Everyone heals at their own rate, so make sure you follow any suggestions and recommendations that Dr. Karaca makes, and feel free to ask plenty of questions during your follow-up visits. After about a month, you will more clearly appreciate your tighter, more toned and streamlined neck and throat area.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a plastic surgery procedure that eliminates sagging, fatty deposits that create the appearance of “jowls” along the jawline, the “double chin” effect under the chin and the “turkey wattle” or “turkey neck” appearance along the front of the neck.

When will I see the results of my Neck Lift?

After about a month, you will be able to visibly see your tighter, more toned and streamlined neck and throat area.

When can I resume exercise after a Neck Lift?

It is recommended that you refrain from strenuous physical activity, and take time off from work, for about two to three weeks following your neck lift surgery.

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